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    Roof Cleaning

    Roof Cleaning Manchester

    How do you clean moss from a roof?

    Our roof cleaners use two systems Low Pressure Wash or Steam Cleaning.
    The unit we use for roof cleaning is set at a lower pressure than your standard pressure washer as all we need is the dirt and moss removed from the roof. The inhibitor treatment will kill any residual biofilm and continue to clean the roof for the follow 12 months.

    There are certain roof tiles that do not benefit from low pressure cleaning so for these roof tiles we would recommend softwashing but we would advise which is the best solution to clean the property roof.

    Low Pressure Wash Roof Cleaning:
    Pros: Same day clean-night and day results.
    Cons: Messy Job and there is always the chance of a water leak.
    Softwashing is scraping the roof removing the bulk of the moss before applying a premium inhibitor treatment some roof can be treated with a cleaner if a quicker result is required.

    Softwash Roof Cleaning:
    Pros: The works are not as messy as pressure washing. There is no chance of water leaks.
    Cons: The product can take up to 1 year to work. Roof only look a little better on the day of the clean.

    Low Pressure Roof Cleaning:

    Cleaning is carried out in two stages:

    1) The roof is washed using our low pressure jet wash which removes the bulk of visible dirt lichen and moss. The roof is then rinsed of all debris before the next step.
    2) The second stage is the application of a premium inhibitor (residual cleaning properties) at the correct dilution rate according to the manufactures instructions killing any residual spores.
    The application of the inhibitor is essential as it will slow the regrowth of moss lichen etc a reasonable expectation is that the roof surface will be biofilm free for 18-36 months before a second treatment is required.
    Roof Cleaning Work Sequence

    Arrival on Site: This is normally 8am. We will contact you a few days prior to our arrival. The weather can delay roof cleaning but we would always advise you if we could not start works. Works can last up to 3 days depending on the roof size.

    Happing Up: The property is happed up to protect the customer garden and catch the moss. Down pipe filters are also fitted. It may necessary to hap your neighbours garden depending on the proximity to your property. Roof cleaning can be a messy job so all garden furniture plant pots etc. should be moved away from the house. It is advisable to move any cars from the driveway (neighbours may need to move their cars) It is always wise to advise neighbours of the proposed works.
    Low Pressure Wash: The roof is washed from the top down. The work is never rushed. Once the roof is free of moss it is rinsed.
    The Clean Up: Gutters are cleaned out and filters removed. The moss is collected into bins for removal off site. The building is rinsed down from the top facia soffits wall windows doors removing any overspill. The ground area is also rinsed leaving the area clean and tidy

    Softwash Roof Cleaning

    This system can take up to 1 year to fully clean the roof but results should be seen within a few months. We use a professional concentrated cleaner for removing natural growths such as moss spores algae or mould from roof tile surfaces.
    • Does not require rinsing.
    • Treats roof tile surface with no risk of staining and damage.
    • Contains no acids or bleach.
    • Can also have some residual benefits.
    The moss is normally always cleaned from the gutter level with telescopic tools unless scaffold is erected. The downpipes are protected against blockage beforehand. Tarpaulin is laid to receive the falling debris and gutters are cleaned out before the biocide is applied.
    Softwashing Roof Cleaning
    System 1:  A hypochlorite based softwash biocide which at 5:1-10:1 dilution is classed by the EU, PCD and HSE as non corrosive or hazardous to people or the environment. This solution contains no acids or solvents does not bio-accumulate and the surfactant is fully biodegradable and after use it quickly breaks down into tiny amounts of ordinary salt and water.

    System 2: A Biocidal Wash (DDAC) fully biodegradable does not bio-accumulate Ph neutral.


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